By Jacob Geers
Monday Mar 21, 2016
More than anyone we’ve seen before come within reach of the presidency, Donald Trump stands ready to tear apart an America that was built on values like decency, community, and concern for our neighbors. Many of history’s worst authoritarians started out as losers – and Trump is a serious threat. The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure he ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it.
Remember Elizabeth Warren? The patriotic defender of the poor, minorities, unions, and all hardworking Americans who want to see a stronger country for ALL people?
Remember Donald Trump? The petty nitwit who spends all day tweeting out insults instead of maybe, trying to understand how international politics actually works?
Well, in an epic Facebook post, the two come to a head, with Warren straight up roasting Donald Trump. She begins her post with “Donald is a loser,” and boy, she couldn’t be more right!
Many people praise “The Donald” for his business acumen, but Warren savagely dispels that myth:
“Count all his failed businesses. See how he kept his father’s empire afloat by cheating people with scams like TrumpUniversity and by using strategic corporate bankruptcy (excuse me, bankruptcies) to skip out on debt. Listen to the experts who’ve concluded he’s so bad at business that he might have more money today if he’d put his entire inheritance into an index fund and just left it alone.”
But she isn’t done yet! Warren goes on to summarize the core of Trump’s character, which she does perfectly:
“His embarrassing insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant narcissism.”
But she is also wants to remind us something VERY important: Don’t underestimate this loser:
”But just because Trump is a loser everywhere else doesn’t mean he’ll lose this election. People have been underestimating his campaign for nearly a year – and it’s time to wake up.”
The full text of her post can be found here — on her Facebook — or below: