Preliminary Findings About Trump Campaign’s Effort to Obtain Incriminating Information on Secretary Clinton from Russia at Trump Tower Meeting (May 16, 2018)
“The June 9, 2016, meeting is one piece of a much larger puzzle and confirms that the Trump campaign was willing to accept Russia’s assistance. The Committee’s staff interviews reveal that top Trump campaign officials were frustrated and angry that the meeting did not produce enough damaging information on their opponent. Their efforts to conceal the meeting and its true purpose are consistent with a larger pattern of false statements about the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
The Committee’s investigation remains incomplete, including further review of the June 9, 2016 meeting. Nonetheless, the following preliminary findings are clear:
The Trump campaign was willing to accept Russia’s assistance.
Top campaign officials Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner accepted the offer of incriminating information on the campaign’s opponent from a hostile foreign government.
These Trump campaign officials did not report the offer of Russian assistance to proper authorities.
Top campaign officials made clear their frustration that more damaging information was not produced at the June 9 meeting in Trump Tower.
Donald Trump Jr. and the White House misled the public about the June 9 meeting with Russians and other campaign contacts with Russia.
Several significant questions remain unanswered about this meeting and the numerous other contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian associates.
To read the preliminary findings of the Senate Judiciary Democrats in full, CLICK HERE.
Feinstein to Rosenstein: Protect Special Counsel Investigation (May 21, 2018)
“Allowing the Special Counsel to complete his work, without interference or delay from the President or Congress, is the best way to bring this matter to its conclusion. … We ask that you uphold the integrity of Department of Justice investigations, as you stated you would in your confirmation hearing, and protect information regarding Special Counsel Mueller’s ongoing investigation.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
Feinstein On Trump, Republican Attacks on Rule of Law (May 23, 2018)
“President Trump’s repeated attempts to undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation are unprecedented. He’s now demanding that the Justice Department convene a partisan briefing to share highly-classified information about an open and ongoing counterterrorism and criminal investigation with Republican members of Congress. This is alarming and threatens the independence of the special counsel.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
Judiciary Committee Democrats: Republicans Remaking Federal Judiciary (May 10, 2018)
“To fill these vacancies as quickly as possible, Republicans have changed how judicial nominees are considered and weakened the Senate’s vetting process, even diminishing the role of home-state senators by undermining the 100-year old blue-slip tradition. Many of these circuit court nominees are outside the mainstream, in their 40s or have little or no relevant experience. This is a clear strategy to reshape our courts for decades.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
Key Findings of Senate Judiciary Committee Minority Members on Republican Efforts to Stack Federal Courts (May 10, 2018)
Senate Republicans’ obstruction of President Obama’s judicial nominees provided President Trump an opportunity to dramatically remake federal courts.
To confirm President Trump’s often ideological and even unqualified nominees as quickly as possible, Senate Republicans have undermined the Senate’s advice and consent role.
Having demanded that their blue slips be honored and used the blue slip to block 18 Obama nominees, Senate Republicans eliminated the guarantee that blue slips would be honored for Democrats.
Senate Republicans have pushed two circuit court nominees on hearings, making it more difficult to vet and question them.
President Trump and Senate Republicans have undermined the independent, nonpartisan role of the American Bar Association (ABA) in ensuring judicial nominees are qualified.
President Trump and Senate Republicans are reshaping the nation’s circuit courts at breakneck speed.
President Trump’s circuit court nominees have been far more controversial than President Obama’s circuit court.
President Trump’s circuit court nominees have been young, with more than half in their 40s, allowing them to serve for more than a generation.
Outside and dark-money political groups, including the Federalist Society, the Judicial Crisis Network, and the Heritage Foundation, have been central to the effort to fill vacancies as quickly as possible.
President Trump’s nominees reflect a lack of diversity, with far fewer women and people of color than President Obama’s nominees.
To read the full report, CLICK HERE.
Feinstein: Strategic Mistake to Abandon Iran Nuclear Agreement (May 8, 2018)
“Everything President Obama has done, this president wants to undo. An agreement that prevents Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is one thing that should never be undone. President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement is a strategic mistake contrary to our national security interests.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
Feinstein: Trump Administration Must Show Support for Two-State Solution (May 14, 2018)
“The location of the embassy is a final-status issue that should have been resolved as part of peace negotiations where both sides benefit, not just one side. Israel will only know true security when it is at peace with its neighbors.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
Feinstein Votes “No” on Gina Haspel Nomination (May 17, 2018)
“The location of the embassy is a final-status issue that should have been resolved as part of peace negotiations where both sides benefit, not just one side. Israel will only know true security when it is at peace with its neighbors.” To read the full statement, CLICK HERE.
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