The sad truth is that mainstream news companies have become part of the corporate structure. Even news sources we have looked to in the past sidestep issues, or report less than a complete story. They often focus on issues that draw the spotlight away from more important issues like the waning middle class, global warming, declining democracy, the choke hold of corporate interests on our government, privatization of our prisons, management of public lands, the fostering of fear, complicit encouragement of our worst traits.
Our world has become smaller in that the whole planet is affected by the policies of our governments. International agreements affect us locally. The health of the planet depends on the decisions of governments in all countries. Here in this country, we have a government based on democratic principals. How that plays out, depends on whether the people in the country are active participants in the governmental process. The time has passed when we can depend on our politicians to protect the interests of the majority of the people. Towards this end, to use an old phrase, “knowledge is power”.
The internet has given us a way to access activities of local communities. Previously we would only learn about them if we visited or lived in one of these towns. We also have better access to international news. These sources bring alternate views and alternate options for action. There are also, publications from groups who are working to build a sustainable future for the planet and the people who live on it. There are no easy answers, but a dialog is happening, and I want to be part of that.
There are now many interesting local developments where efforts at the local level are offering new ways to live, and work. This can offer a blueprint for change at the federal level, and in fact, some of these ideas have percolated up. In listing some of these alternative new sources as I find them, I hope to broaden the dialog.